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A Professor represents a professor employed at the University of Texas at Dallas.


_idObjectIdThe MongoDB database id for the Professor object.ObjectId("61ebbb126e3659537e8a14d6")
first_nameStringThe professor's first name.John
last_nameStringThe professor's last name.Doe
titlesArray - StringThe professor's titles.["Senior Mathematics Lecturer"], ["Lars Magnus Ericsson Chair", "Dean – Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science"]
emailStringThe professor's email
phone_numberStringThe professor's phone number.555-555-5555
officeLocationThe location of the professor's office.
profile_uriStringA hyperlink pointing to the professor's official university profile.
image_uriStringA link to the image used for the professor on the professor's official university profile.
office_hoursArray - MeetingA list of all office hours of the professor.
sectionsArray - ObjectIdA list of references to sections a professor is currently teaching or has taught. This will be sorted in descending order with respect to end_date in the section's academic_session.