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A Meeting represents a recurring meeting. This schema can represent both recurring meetings and single meetings. Meetings occur repeatedly on the specified days of the week during a period. Non-recurring meetings should have the start_date equal to the end_date.


start_dateStringThe start date of a meeting.January 18, 2022
end_dateStringThe end date of a meeting.May 5, 2022
meeting_daysArray - StringA list of all days the meeting occurs during the time period.["Monday", "Wednesday"]
start_timeStringThe time the meeting starts on each meeting day.10:00am
end_timeStringThe time a meeting ends on each meeting day.11:15am
modalityModalityTypeThe modality of the meeting following the modality types in UTD's CourseBook. Possibilities include pending, traditional, hybrid, flexible, remote, and onlinetraditional
locationLocationThe location of the meeting.